NASTINESS - definitie. Wat is NASTINESS
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Wat (wie) is NASTINESS - definitie

Filth, filthiness, dirtiness, foulness, impurity, uncleanness, pollution, defilement, squalor.
Obscenity, smuttiness, indecency, ribaldry, grossness.
·noun The quality or state of being nasty; extreme filthness; dirtiness; also, indecency; obscenity.
see nasty
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor NASTINESS
1. Real nastiness.
The Demand for Investigative Journalism _ Robin Fields, Andy Donohue + More _ Talks at Google
2. So there's nastiness too.
The Demand for Investigative Journalism _ Robin Fields, Andy Donohue + More _ Talks at Google
3. that kind of nastiness.
The Impulse Society _ Paul Roberts _ Talks at Google
4. a lot, about internet nastiness.
An Evening With _ Neil Gaiman & Amanda Palmer _ Talks at Google
5. negativity and nastiness on social media
The Art of Asking _ Amanda Palmer _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor NASTINESS
1. But the calm concealed the nastiness of the souths problems.
2. She‘s grown accustomed to the nastiness that surrounds her profession.
3. "There was just so much nastiness and it was unremitting," said Liam.
4. "There‘s no way the show jumping crowd is full of rivalry and nastiness.
5. It has merely blown the cover off the nastiness that has been brewing under British eyes.